Buy or Sell Data to Grow Your Business

  • Buy directly from the data owner

  • transactions Are transparent & consensual

  • Data can be raw or anonymized

  • Access a diverse range of data

  • GDPR Compliant

  • Convert leads faster with one-click transactions

  • Target new leads with their permission

  • Convert your email lists into sales

  • Track leads anywhere they go

  • Access more customer data

All Products Include:

$1M Guarantee

Verified Identity

Blockchain Verified



Anonymized Data



How It Works


Specify Your Data Needs or What You're Offering

Briefly describe the data you're looking for or wish to sell. Grape ID™ efficiently matches your request with the right sources or buyers.

  • Search by any data attribute

  • Request unique or Niche data Sets

  • access data from existing contacts

  • Buy/sell from the general public


Finalize Pricing & Terms

Grape ID™ simplifies negotiations by providing standardized yet adaptable agreements, ensuring fair pricing and smooth transaction logistics.

  • Use benchmarked pricing for transparency

  • Tailor terms to fit your requirements

  • standardized due diligence & quality checks

  • Efficient proposal & acceptance processes


Transact and Accomplish Your Goals

We'll help you use the data to meet your business goals — whether the data is for product development, market research, customer personalization, etc.

  • AI-driven data integration tools

  • Built-in access & sharing controls

  • Built-in monetization features

  • We handle privacy & security for you




Your Marketing Emails Arrive In Primary Inbox

Request Custom Data

We guarantee your marketing emails arrive in the recipient's primary inbox -- whether it's a newsletter, an offer, or event update. We do this by connecting directly to each recipient's email settings to manage their filter to allow your business email address(es).

We guarantee your marketing emails arrive in the recipient's primary inbox -- whether it's a newsletter, an offer, or event update. We do this by connecting directly to each recipient's email settings to manage their filter to allow your business email address(es).




Pay Leads to Engage With Your Email Offers

Pay Leads to Engage With Your Email Offers

Leads earn cash by opening or engaging with your email. This guarantees you get ROI for every email campaign because they only get paid if they take the action you specify (e.g. open an email, respond with feedback, book a call, etc). The sky is unlimited in the type of engagement you can request.

Leads earn cash by opening or engaging with your email. This guarantees you get ROI for every email campaign because they only get paid if they take the action you specify (e.g. open an email, respond with feedback, book a call, etc). The sky is unlimited in the type of engagement you can request.




Make Transactions Ridiculously Easy

Make Transactions Ridiculously Easy

Fear of spam, scams, and complicated checkout forms slow down 70% or more of people from transacting with you. We offer your customers an option to securely transact with you in one click. We'll even give them a $1M Protection Guarantee.

Fear of spam, scams, and complicated checkout forms slow down 70% or more of people from transacting with you. We offer your customers an option to securely transact with you in one click. We'll even give them a $1M Protection Guarantee.




Track Leads Anywhere They Go

Track Leads Anywhere They Go

FINALLY, now your marketing team can anonymously track lead wherever they go. The user allows you to track their movement because your company will buy that data from them, and Grape ID™ guarantees the user data is anonymous and protected.

FINALLY, now your marketing team can anonymously track lead wherever they go. The user allows you to track their movement because your company will buy that data from them, and Grape ID™ guarantees the user data is anonymous and protected.



Request Any Data You Want (anonymized data)


Our AI Matches You With Targeted Leads

Grape ID™ uses artificial intelligence to match your products & services with customers who need it. Your offers are highly targeted & personalized without ever needing access to their private information.

With only an email, phone number, or other identifiable information, you can request any data that you can imagine. If users don't already have it available, we help you get it. The data is anonymized and data owner retain control to revoke access if they want.

Example Use Cases

Car Dealership

Marketing and Advertising

Understanding Your Audience Better

A car dealership can access the data marketplace to find data on recent vehicle searches and preferences. This information allows them to send targeted offers to potential buyers, significantly increasing their conversion rates.

Insurance Companies

Risk Assessment

Making Informed Decisions with Confidence

For insurance companies, lifestyle and health data is vital. By using our data marketplace, these companies can set more accurate premiums for health insurance policies, balancing risk effectively.

Gaming Companies

Product Development

Innovating with Market Insights

A leading gaming company can leverage the data marketplace to find gaming trends and user preferences to design their next blockbuster video game, ensuring it resonates with their target audience.

Beverage Company

Market Research

Identifying Emerging Trends and Opportunities

A beverage company can use our data marketplace to find consumer drinking habits and uncover new markets for their innovative soft drink, tailoring their launch strategy to meet market demands.

Streaming Service


Creating Custom Experiences that Delight Customers

Streaming services can use our data marketplace to obtain viewing habits and interests to recommend movies and shows, enhancing user experience and increasing viewer engagement.

What are business owners saying?